Quick contact info

Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad 7th Floor Menara Hap Seng (Letter Box 12), No. 1 & 3 Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm Tel: +(603) 2142 8888 Fax: +(603) 2141 9199 Email: support@pheimunittrusts.com
Welcome To

Unit Trusts Berhad

Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad (PUTB) started its operation in April 2001. We are a Unit Trust Management Company approved by the Securities Commission, and a wholly-owned subsidiary company of Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd (PAMSB)

Recovering from a retracement in December 2024, developed markets risk assets made good gains in the first month of the new year The World index gained 3.47% against MSCI Far East Ex. Japan index’s 1.81% rise. ASEAN equities underperformed relatively with a return of -1.53%. Korea shares (+4.91%) were the top performers.

Please be informed that the following funds are paying income distribution for 2024