4th Jan 2023 – Remarkable Day for Pheim Asset Management (Pheim Malaysia)
To All Our Valued Investors,
Today, 4th January 2023, is Pheim Malaysia’s 29th anniversary. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and support all these years.
Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd (Pheim Malaysia) started operation on 4 January 1994 when MSCI Malaysia Index hit the highest point at 465.67. It took more than 13 years to break the record high. Many thought it was difficult to profit from the stock market and Pheim would fail in the near future. Coincidently, Yamaichi Securities Malaysia (which was considered among the four largest brokerage firms in Japan) ceased operation soon after (November of 1997).
Pheim Malaysia has been able to weather through many major crises and meet the expectations of clients and is profitable every year for 29 consecutive years since the year of inception in 1994. Pheim Malaysia has also won many international awards and accolades for its consistency and long-term track record.
It is most comforting to find out that Refinitiv Lipper ranked Dana Makmur Pheim, a Balanced Islamic Fund in the Islamic Mixed Asset MYR Balanced Category, No. 1 for the 11th consecutive year for the 10-year period ending 31st December 2022. The Fund is also ranked No. 1 for the 6th consecutive year for the 15-year period ending 31st December 2022.
For the period ending 31st January 2022, Dana Makmur Pheim has for the first-time ranked No. 1 for 20-year period and continues to be ranked No. 1 for the 20-year period for 11 consecutive months till 31st December 2022. As of 31st December 2022, Dana Makmur Pheim has registered a cumulative return since inception of 437.30 %, which is an outperformance of 325.00 % against the benchmark.

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