Quick contact info

Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad 7th Floor Menara Hap Seng (Letter Box 12), No. 1 & 3 Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm Tel: +(603) 2142 8888 Fax: +(603) 2141 9199 Email: support@pheimunittrusts.com
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Investment and Redemption

Units may be bought or redeemed daily on any Business Day, which is a day on which the Bursa Malaysia is open for trading. Units may be bought from us or any of our authorised distributors.

You may obtain the trust account application forms and the Master Prospectus from us or from any of our authorised distributors.

You may contact our customer service unit for general inquiries or specific information relating to your investments in the Funds or on your account details. Our customer service unit can be contacted at the following address:

Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad (200101010163 (545919-A))

7th Floor, Menara Hap Seng

No. 1 & 3, Jalan P. Ramlee

50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: (603) 2142 8888

Fax: (603) 2141 9199

Website: www.pheimunittrusts.com

E-mail: support@pheimunittrusts.com