Quick contact info

Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad 7th Floor Menara Hap Seng (Letter Box 12), No. 1 & 3 Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm Tel: +(603) 2142 8888 Fax: +(603) 2141 9199 Email: support@pheimunittrusts.com
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Pheim Singapore

Mr. Teo Chon Kiat, Head of Investment (Pheim Singapore)

Mr. Teo is the representative of Pheim Asset Management (Asia) Pte Ltd to provide investment research analysis to Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd.


• More than 24 years of investment management experience in Asia ex. Japan equity markets
• MSc. Applied Finance (2000), BSc. Computer Science (1996) & BSc. Business Administration & Mathematics (1995)
• Country Coverage: ASEAN / Asia Ex-Japan